"A knifeless man is a lifeless man" Faroes saying
Claudio U. Lingua is the owner and chief instructor of Kolonok Bushcraft School in Zurich Switzerland.
His journey into wilderness skills began at a very young age in Switzerland as a boy scout. Some of his earliest memories are of the cool green woods and high mountains in the Swiss Alps.
In 1991, Claudio became interested in Bushcraft techniques and Native American ways and ended up training with different courses in different schools in and around Switzerland.
A majority of Claudio’s experience comes from practical application – going out into the wilderness for Fly fishing and Bushcraft training in every season throughout the year and putting his skills to the test by applying them, refining them, and testing them again and again.
Claudio believes theory is a good foundation, but practical application is the true test of survival knowledge.
Some of Claudio's training includes:
Finding/Making Shelter
Making Fire in every situation
Water purification
Edible plants
Emergency First Aid
Primitive Nature Medicine
Martial Arts (Judo, Wing Tsun, Taekwondo, Krav Maga)
Sharpshooter Qualification Swiss Army
Expert Rifle & Pistol Qualification
Rifle & Pistol Instructor
Chief of a S.A.C. Hut (Schweizer Alpen Club) in the Swiss Alps for 7 years

José Casanova,
Certified Assistant

Claudio U. Lingua, Owner
Master Teacher

If you want to join our Team or to help out , please contact us...
info (ät) kolonokbushcraft.ch